June 24, 2018
To: | From: | |
Elmore County Board of County Commissioners 150 South 4th East Mountain Home, ID 83647 (208) 587-2129 ext. 505 |
Tim Bondy 1350 Amber Drive Mountain Home, ID 83547 (208) 598-0264 |
RE: Elmore County Document Archive and Cat Creek Energy Supporting Documentation
Dear Elmore County Commissioners (Wes Wootan, Al Hofer and Bud Corbus):
On Friday, June 22, 2018, I visited the Elmore County website to find a new and updated version in place. The reason for my visit to the website was to read and possibly download documents pertaining the scheduled July 26, 2018, Cat Creek Energy Rehearing only to find some of the public documents are no longer available on the website.
I understand the process of creating a new web platform and hope the number and subject matter of public documents will be significantly increased in the near future. As I’m sure you are aware, most county residents are unable to attend even a small portion of the BOCCs weekly meeting because of work hour conflicts. As such, many of us rely on that online archive to stay informed about county business.
Additionally, I am very concerned Elmore County has limited the subject matter for the July 2018, Cat Creek Energy rehearing to 20 specific issues without providing easy online access to the supporting documentation. There are no less than 15 documents that the county has referenced with the rehearing subject matter directive that was distributed during May 11, 2018 reconsideration hearing deliberations. Even that 20 issue subject matter directive does not seem to be available on the county website.
The Reasons for my Concern are Two-Fold.
1. The concerned residents of Elmore County have very little official county guidance and information about the July 26, 2018, rehearing. This lack of guidance could easily lead to public apathy and ignorance of the full scope of the project and all of its complex issues. This current lack of available documentation and guidance (communication) is, in part, why Elmore County has decided to hold a rehearing on this subject.
2. It has come to my attention that in order for concerned residents to obtain anything but the most basic information regarding the proposed Cat Creek Energy project, FOIA must be filed with the county. This FOIA process will increase the workload for at least one and likely more county employees and should be considered an unnecessary drain on county resources and a waste of taxpayer money.
What I Ask
Because of work hour conflict, basic complexity of the local government and specifically the Cat Creek Energy project, I ask that Elmore County take the necessary steps to ensure taxpayers have every opportunity to get and stay informed about all county issues and business.
This should start with immediately providing easy access to all the supporting documentation pertaining to Cat Creek Energy rehearing subject matter. With this rehearing just 30 days away, county residents deserve access to all the information that will allow them to present relevant and cogent testimony.
If you would like further clarification regarding this letter, you can contact me at (208) 598-0264 or tim.bondy@gmail.com
~ signed ~
Timothy G. Bondy
P.S: A copy of this was mailed and emailed to the Elmore County Commissioners on June 24, 2018