Get Involved! Stop the cat Creek Energy Project.

If you are concerned about our big game herds, our Anderson Ranch Reservoir fishery and water quality and the scenic value of the Highway 20 corridor between Mountain Home and Fairfield, Idaho, then you should be concerned about the proposed Cat Creek Energy project. This mega-energy project is scheduled to be built just 23 miles northeast of Mountain Home on the Little Camas Prairie, Cat Creek Summit area, Camas Prairie and the bluffs immediately above Anderson Ranch Reservoir.
Just Some of the Reasons Why We’re Opposed to the Cat Creek Energy Project
- 50 story tall (500 feet) wind turbines located along our Highway 20 & Pine-Featherville corridor. That’s similar to 39 Seattle Space Needle-sized structures.
- Huge electrical transmission lines running from Camas Prairie along the Highway 20 corridor and down into the Mtn. Home area.
- The destruction of sage grouse habitat and nesting grounds.
- The disruption of elk, deer and pronghorn migration through the entire project area.
- Toxic blue-green algae introduced into Anderson Ranch Reservoir
- Degradation of the bull trout and Kokanee salmon fishery in Anderson.
- Loss of Tourism Dollars: Wind turbines, transmission line along the portion of the Highway 20 Corridor that Roger Brooks, a noted tourism expert called “one of Idaho’s best drives.”
How You Can Help
- Write, email and call our local government leaders.
- Sen. Crapo, Sen. Risch, Congressman Simpson, Elmore County Commissioners
- Like, share and comment on our Facebook Page
- @SBarRanch or
- Get more info on the web at:
- Sign up for a monthly Cat Creek Energy Project newsletter.
- eSign our unofficial petition to stop the Cat Creek Energy Project.
Point of Contacts for our Government Leadership can be found at You can write, call or talk to these individuals to tell them you oppose the Cat Creek Energy project.
Quick County Commission Phone Listing …
Al Hofer
Chairman Wes Wooten
Bud Corbus
Last updated on October 18, 2018.