The Elmore County Commissioners have limited the subject matter that residents will be able to speak about during the July 26, 2018 rehearing regarding the Cat Creek Energy Project.
Issue #2, as identified by the commissioners, is a rather complex subject matter covering a document that is quite different than what most Elmore County residents remember when the county planning and zoning board denied the five Cat Creek Energy conditional use permits in 2016. That issue is “The site plan and project description.”
How is it Different or Why Should I Care?
Cat Creek Energy, LLC originally planned to build out their large-scale solar farm on the north side of Little Camas Reservoir.
The current plan is to build out a 590-acre solar farm on both sides of the Pine-Featherville Road near the intersection of Highway 20. This is the road residents and tourists use to get to our mountain resort communities and most of those who will attend future Mountain Home Music Festivals held on Camas Prairie.
Studies show combining a large scale solar farm surrounded by an eight-foot security fence with 31 wind turbines that are as tall as 50-story buildings will have a serious negative effect on attracting return visitors to the county. The Cat Creek Energy project will, in all likelihood, affect the struggling hotel, retail, and hospitality industry in Elmore County.
The official Cat Creek Energy, LLC project description still tells us the solar farm is “4.3 miles north up Wood Creek Road.” That isn’t even close to the current planned location on the Pine-Featherville Road nor the original plans to build the solar farm next to the RV Park next to Little Camas Reservoir.
How Big is the Proposed CCE Solar Farm
- Almost 1 square mile in size
- 589 acres
- 171,000 solar panels
- Comparison: New York City’s Central Park is 840 acres.
Please Attend the Rehearing. Please Testify Against the Project
At 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 26, 2018, the Elmore County Commissioner will hold a rehearing regarding the Cat Creek Energy project in War Memorial Hall at 515 East 2nd Street, Mountain Home, ID 83647. Local residents and concerned citizens are encouraged to offer up testimony and let Commissioners Wootan, Corbus and Hofer know you oppose a plan that has changed too many times and that will adversely affect every person in the area.
Map Link to Rehearing Location:
I will not be able to attend the hearing on July 26, 2018.
I do want to let you know that I strongly oppose the Cat Creek Energy Proposal. I own 41+ acres and a log home on the Anderson Ranch Bluffs Survey. My husband and I bought this land in October of 1979.
Having all this in view as you turn off highway onto the Pine/Featherville Road will keep so many people away from this beautiful area.
The wildlife will be heavily impacted and some would never return.
Please don’t allow this project to proceed.
Karen, we thank you for your support and understand about not being able to attend the July 26 rehearing.