Photo taken on Jan. 20, 2019 and geotagged at
In the past few months, a lot of news and information has surfaced about the ill-advised Cat Creek Energy project that is scheduled to be built just 20 miles northeast of Mountain Home, Idaho.
What Issues?
- There are water issues to discuss.
- There are wildlife issues to discuss.
- There are political issues to discuss.
- There are State of Idaho issues to discuss.
- There are federal regulations and guidance to discuss.
- There are Elmore County Commissioner issues to discuss.
In the coming days and weeks, these issues will be brought to light on this website and our S Bar Ranch Facebook Page.
Our hopes are that you will read what we have to say and then do your own research. We’re very confident you will find that the 5,750 acre Cat Creek Energy project will be a boondoggle for the residents of Elmore County and our emerging tourism industry.