On Friday, September 7, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. in the Elmore County Courthouse, the commissioners will hold two meeting regarding the Cat Creek Energy project and we want you to be there to stand silently in opposition to this mega-construction plan.
The first meeting will deal with 26 different issues Elmore County has concerns that they might not have given proper consideration to in many of the previous meetings held during the past 2.5 years. Some of those issues deal with the location and size of the 39 wind towers they wish to put up on Camas Prairie and electrical transmissions lines that could run helter-skelter through our backcounty. Plus we believe the threatened “Sage Grouse” certainly wouldn’t do well around those transmission lines or wind turbines.
Do we want wind turbines spread out from the Pine-Featherville Road and in the future possibly right down Highway 20 to the Teapot Dome area?
The subject of the second meeting is about a development agreement Cat Creek Energy wants to amend regarding the planned reservoir on Little Camas Prairie. There are a host of problems associated with this reservoir John Faulkner want to build. The worst issue is the very real possibility of a toxic blue-green algae cross-contamination bloom spreading into Anderson Ranch Reservoir.
“Who wants blue-green algae to close down recreation on Elmore County’s fishing and boating mecca?”
I very much oppose the Cat Creek energy project for many reasons. Poor John Faulkner is being taken to the cleaners for one thing.
These systems will do anything for a buck.