Cat Creek Energy has recently applied for a water right on the South Fork of the Boise River (Anderson Ranch Reservoir) and we believe the public needs to stop them from getting that permit until many critical environmental and wildlife issues can be publicly addressed.
The deadline to officially protest Cat Creek Energy’s permit is September 24, 2018, and we need your help.
Click here to download Cat Creek Energy’s original water right application … CCE Water Permit Application SFB-River Water Right
Link to the download can be found here:
The Situation as it Stands
Cat Creek Energy is moving forward with plans for building what could be a disaster for the residents of Elmore County, our big game herds, the birds of prey population, plus our fishery and water quality in Anderson Ranch Reservoir. Those plans involve building a 100,000 acre-foot reservoir on Little Camas Prairie, 23 miles to the northeast of Mountain Home, Idaho. This body of water will be interconnected to Anderson Ranch Reservoir and located on the adjacent bluffs just 723 feet above Anderson Ranch Reservoir.
Might you be able to throw a rock while standing on the shoreline of the planned Cat Creek Reservoir and hit Anderson Reservoir without much problem?
The area where John Faulkner wants to build out his mega-energy project is considered prime habitat for elk, mule deer, pronghorn, the near-endangered sage grouse plus the threatened fish we call the Bull Trout.
Some Possible Justifications to Protest the Water Right
- Fact: Anderson Ranch Reservoir will be interconnected with huge water tubes (penstocks) to Cat Creek Reservoir. There are no guarantees John Faulkner will control the water quality in his reservoir as it sluices water back into Anderson. Anderson Ranch Reservoir is home to the threatened bull trout.
- Fact: Critical water temperature levels could easily be exceeded as warm water from the planned Cat Creek Reservoir drains back into Anderson Ranch, according to state and federal agencies.
- Fact: Little Camas Reservoir has had a toxic blue-green algae health advisory issued on that body of water since June 2018. The Little Camas Reservoir – Cat Creek Reservoir – Anderson Ranch Reservoirs will all be interconnected. Cross-contamination of the blue-green algae is quite possible.
- Fact: The planned Cat Creek Reservoir and its the entire hydro/water project is in critical sage grouse territory, a major migration corridor for elk, mule deer, and pronghorn.
- Fact: Because Cat Creek Energy will be drawing 100,000 acre-feet of water from Anderson Ranch Reservoir, the water levels will be affected for all who come to recreate on ‘Anderson’ and in turn will hurt our Pine and Featherville businesses and our tourism industry.
How To Protest – $25 IDWR Fee
As with any governmental action and procedure, it will require some of your valuable time and cost you some money. If you have the will and the money, please consider filing an official protest of this Cat Creek Energy water right.
If you do not wish to file the $25 protest, please consider sending us your legal name and official home address so we can append it to S Bar Ranch protest documentation that will be sent to the Idaho Department of Water Resources. We could also use your name, and just your name in posts on this website or on social media.
1. Fill out the required protest form found at
2. The following information should be included in your protest paperwork:
- The basis of protest (including a statement of facts and law upon which the protest is based)
- Application for Permit No. 63-34403
- In the name of:
Cat Creek Energy, LLC
398 S 9th ST STE 240
Boise, ID 83701 - Important: A copy of your “Notice of Protest” must be sent to Cat Creek Energy, LLC at the above address.
Reference Material
Idaho Statue 42-221. Paragraph L. states the following:
“For filing a protest or request to intervene in a protested matter [will cost] $25.00” (