The Entities Listed in the Rebuttal
- Holland & Hart (HH): the law firm currently representing Cat Creek Energy LLC
- S Bar Ranch (SBR): owner/operator Chris Stevens
- Hawley Troxell (HTEH): the law firm representing the S Bar Ranch in the Reconsideration Hearing and future litigation.
- The Board of County Commissioner (BOCC): Wes Wooten, Bud Corbus and Al Hofer (recused) are the Elmore County Commissioners.
The Synopsis of the Document
In this linked and downloadable 17 page document, the law firm representing the S Bar Ranch refutes Cat Creek Energy’s negative analysis of the second reconsideration request regarding a large-scale alternative energy project that includes the imminent construction of a wind farm on the western portions of Camas Prairie in southern Idaho.
The text highlighted in red is the legal opinion and rebuttal from Hawley Troxell who represent the S Bar Ranch.
During an 11 am, May 18, 2018, meeting the Elmore County Commissioner will likely decide if they will hold a hearing, possibly limited to the amendments to the CUP contemplated by an unresolved Development Agreement to more fully address the concerns of S Bar Ranch.
Click to view or download this 17 page pdf document: S Bar Ranch’s Rebuttal to Cat Creek Energy Document