“You should ask Commissioners Wes Wootan, Bud Corbus and Al Hofer why they don’t want you to email them.”
Since we took on the Cat Creek Energy project, we’ve asked you to get involved and take action to put a stop to the ill-conceived mega energy project slated for our Elmore County backcountry. And since that time, the Elmore County Commissioners have removed the “Contact Us” form their website. Why?
Elmore County now asks that you physically write and mail a letter to them if you would like to testify during a Public Hearing if you cannot attend the meeting. And for some people, writing and mailing a letter is acceptable. For others, writing a letter and electronically mailing, emailing, a letter is a much better method of communicating with their elected officials.
Elmore County Sits Alone Among Surrounding Counties
We did some research and discovered the Elmore County Commissioners are the only local county commissioners that do not provide/publish an email address to ensure easy and consistent communications.
The included map graphics shows most counties publish the individual email addresses for their county commissioners (green). Three counties (yellow), however, limit the email address to a generic board of county commissioners email address. Still, writing and delivering a letter, an important idea or thought to those county commissioners is just a matter of pushing a button.
The Elmore County Commissioners (black) sit alone, however. We even emailed the clerk of the board of county commissioners months ago about this issue but received no response from her or anyone from the county.
Breakdown of Published Email Addresses for Local County Commissioner
- Ada County: Group BOCC email available
- Owyhee County: Individual commissioner email addresses available
- Canyon County: Individual commissioner email addresses available
- Boise County: Individual commissioner email addresses available
- Camas County: Individual commissioner email addresses available
- Gooding County: Individual commissioner email addresses available, although not convenient to access.
- Twin Falls County: Group BOCC email available
- Blaine County: Individual commissioner email addresses available
- Jerome County: Individual commissioner email addresses available, although not convenient to access.
- Custer County: Group BOCC email available
Ask “Why” Today
With a next Public Hearing on Friday, December 14, 2018, you should ask your county commissioner why they wish to limit you from communicating with them only through the United States Postal Service. No other local county restricts their residents in such a way.
Standing out in this manner shouldn’t be considered normal if transparency and open communication is a goal.
Write and Mail to:
Elmore County Land Use and Building Department
520 East 2nd South Street
Mountain Home, Idaho, 83647