Elmore County’s own engineering study said this of the Cat Creek Energy project:
“Very limited information on the electrical line from the powerhouse to the
substation is presented. Voltage and construction information are absent. We surmise this line (34kV?) would run from the southern shoreline of Anderson Ranch Reservoir, ascend to the canyon rim through open forest habitat and then cross mixed grass land and shrub steppe to the substation. The line has the potential to cause a number of impacts to wildlife which would need to be addressed.”
In 2016, the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Board said the the vast majority of the project was “Not Compatible” with the surrounding environment when they denied Cat Creek Energy the permits to build a large-scale energy project in our backcountry.
Who hasn’t fished, boated, camped or driven along Anderson Ranch Reservoir? I can’t imaging anyone in Elmore County that hasn’t been along the shores of our finest body of water. This is what Cat Creek Energy considers “compatible” with the surroundings?
Take Action
Call, write to and/or email your government representatives and tell them you are opposed to the entire Cat Creek Energy project.
or, be bold and write a letter to:
Cat Creek Energy LLC
398 S. 9th St., Ste 240
Boise, ID 853701
List of addresses: http://catcreek-energy.com/mailing-addresses-for-cat-creek-energy-issues/
Reference: Attachment 2 found at Attachment 2 - Independent Review of the Cat Creek Energy Wildlife Management Plan